WA Youth Jazz Orchestra (WAYJO) announces the resignation of its General Manager, Simon Keen.
Since joining WAYJO some five years ago, Mr Keen has brought energy and passion to the role, growing the profile and reach of WAYJO considerably. WAYJO now holds an important position not just in Perth’s jazz scene and as part of the wider arts sector, poised for further growth as WAYJO looks toward its 40th Anniversary in 2023.
Mr Keen states, “I am very proud of what WAYJO has achieved during my tenure and humbled by the ongoing service we have been able to provide to our outstanding young musicians. Some personal highlights have included the introduction of our Jazz for Juniors program of concerts, the King Street Corner Pocket Jazz Festival, our commitment to featuring more female instrumentalists as part of our Guest Artist series, and our increasing presence in regional touring and representation. I am looking forwards to facing new challenges in my career and I wish WAYJO every success in the future. I thank the Board and staff for their support.”
Mr Simon Durack, Board Chair of WAYJO said that, “On behalf of the Board, I wish to sincerely thank Mr Keen for his achievements and dedicated service to WAYJO, and wish him all the very best for his future endeavours.”
The board will announce details regarding a new appointment in early 2021.
Media Contact
Justine Thornley, WAYJO Marketing
+61 8 9471 1950