Young Women in Jazz 2018

2018 Young Women In Jazz

Are you a female musician aged 14 – 25 and would like to learn more about jazz and improvised music?
Perform at the Ellington Jazz Club and work with some of Australia’s leading female jazz professionals?

Then WA Youth Jazz Orchestra wants to hear from you!

With workshops at the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), alumnae tutors and the opportunity to perform in a special concert at the Ellington Jazz Club, what more could you want?

Developed by Sydney Improvised Music Association (SIMA) and Dr. Sandy Evans OAM in 2002, the Young Women’s Jazz Workshops are specifically designed to inspire young women to play jazz and pursue a future in music.

Run in Perth since 2014, these workshops have seen young women build support networks, refine their skills and increase confidence.


Registrations for the 2018 Young Women In Jazz Program are open now, and close midnight Friday 9 March, 2018.

For more information and registrations, head to


WAYJO sincerely thank the following organisations for supporting the 2018 Young Women in Jazz Program:

Creative Partnerships AustraliaWAYJO's Women in Jazz 2018 Season is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia through Plus1


WAAPA Young Artists Ensemble

WAAPA Young Artists Ensemble

An exciting collaboration between WAAPA and WAYJO comes to fruition in a special concert featuring some of the finest young players in WA.

The Head of Jazz at WAAPA, Jamie Oehlers, has been working with 6 fantastic young musicians from WAYJO over the past 6 weeks, developing improvisation skills, learning new repertoire and fine tuning their ensemble playing.

The concert will be performed in 'The Edith' - one of just a handful Spiegeltents in the world - designed by historical custodians of the ornate tents, the Klessens family in Belgium (who have been building Spiegeltents since the 1920’s).

Come along to this free event and see how bright the future of jazz in Perth is!

The WAAPA Young Artist Ensemble
Shaniqa Ratnasingam - Soprano Saxophone
Emma Zandi - Tenor Saxophone
James Chapman - Trumpet
James O’Brien - Piano
Blake Weller - Bass
William Chiew - Drums
Jamie Oehlers - Tenor Saxophone

WAAPA Spiegeltent
Thu 7 Sep, 7.00pm
Edith Cowan University - Mount Lawley Campus
Admission Free

[Image: WAYJO in the Fringeworld Spiegeltent, January 2017]

Young Women In Jazz

Young Women In Jazz is moving in 2017. We’re responding to feedback from our participants and we’ve decided to bring the program into the first half of the year, so that high school students can avoid the stresses of the workshops clashing with exams.

The program is bearing fruit, with more female members of WAYJO than ever before... a full 50% of our Monday Night Orchestra is now female.

We’re very proud of this program, so keep your eye out for announcement dates of applications and workshop timetables and let any young female musician you may know about this wonderful opportunity.

The Young Women in Jazz program is supported by the McCusker Charitable Foundation and the Ian Potter Foundation.