From Perth to Tokyo: WNO’s unforgettable journey

In June, WAYJO musicians Holly Forster, Taj Johnstone, Matt Knight, Ben Shelley, Bob Tweedie, and Naoko Uemoto, along with Artistic Director Dr. Mace Francis and General Manager Monique Douglas, travelled to Tokyo for an international cultural exchange with Showa University of Japan, supported by North West Shelf Gas.

Our talented musicians rehearsed with their Japanese counterparts, culminating in a final performance at North West Shelf Gas’s 35th Anniversary celebration, held at the prestigious Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

The exchange was a resounding success, both artistically and in fostering lifelong friendships through a variety of cultural events. Highlights included a visit to the Great Buddha of Kamakura (鎌倉大仏, Kamakura Daibutsu), a magnificent bronze statue of Amida Buddha located on the grounds of Kōtoku-in Temple.

Our musicians represented WAYJO and Australia with exceptional diplomacy and pride, making us incredibly proud.

Taj Johnstone shared his experience, stating, “This tour was not just a professional engagement but a life-changing experience that left an indelible mark on me. One of the highlights was meeting the world-famous trumpeter, Eric Miyashiro. His virtuosity and passion for music were both inspiring and humbling. Equally enriching was the time spent with my fellow WAYJO members—six band members and two staff—whose camaraderie and shared dedication to jazz deepened our bond. We also connected with the talented musicians and students at Showa University, creating friendships that transcended language and cultural barriers.

“Furthermore, the support and interaction with the North West Shelf Gas staff who accompanied us were invaluable, providing insights into both their professional endeavours and personal stories. This tour was a profound learning experience, blending rigorous musical training with rich cultural exchange. It broadened my musical horizons and cultivated a deeper appreciation for the universal language of music. The warmth and hospitality of our Japanese hosts, the beauty of Tokyo, and the unforgettable performances and workshops we participated in made this journey truly unforgettable. I will always cherish the memories and lessons from this extraordinary adventure.”

This exchange was made possible through the generous support of North West Shelf Gas, and we are deeply grateful to them for facilitating cultural exchanges like this.

WNO members embark on cultural exchange to Japan

Showa University students in Perth with WAYJO in November 2023

Six members of the Wednesday Night Orchestra as well as General Manager Monique Douglas and Artistic Director Mace Francis are heading to Shin-Yurigaoka just outside of central Tokyo for rehearsals, performances, and cultural activities, as part of an on-going exchange between WAYJO and Showa University of Music in Japan.

The musicians heading on this week-long exchange are Ben Shelley (drums), Bob Tweedie (piano), Holly Forster (alto sax), Matt Knight (trumpet), Naoko Uemoto (baritone sax) and Taj Johnstone (trombone).

Directed by Masa Ikeda and Mace Francis, SHOWAYJO – as its affectionately known, was last together in November when six musicians from Showa came to Perth and performed at the Perth International Jazz Festival’s Jazz Picnic in the Park and recorded at Loop Studio. Listen to the release HERE.

The Showa University of Music, the Showa Graduate School of Music and the Showa College of Music are part of the Tosei Gakuen Educational Foundation, which is renowned for its forward-thinking in music education in the areas of traditional western classical music, musical theatre, ballet, and jazz and popular music.

This exchange is made possible through our Principal Partner, North West Shelf Gas.