
Maylands Hall, 192 Guildford Rd (cnr Eighth Ave), Maylands, WA 6051


Please NoteAddress harvesting and cold calling is prohibited under the Federal Spam Act 2003. 

+61 8 9471 1950


PO Box 134, Maylands, WA 6931


* indicates required
Regional News:
Email Format:

Word on WAYJO (WOW) is our monthly email newsletter distributed to over 3K subscribers, comprising a cross-section of our opt-in audience members, band members and their families/friends, Australian jazz fans, members of the arts community, media/arts organisations, plus our stakeholders, donors and sponsors.

WOW EDM is generally distributed first or second week of the month (Feb-Dec), and presented in 3 or 4 sections briefly promoting WAYJO’s own events, opportunities and achievements – linked to larger, more detailed website articles or event calendar listings.

As a not-for-profit, space for promotion is generally limited to internal, sponsorship or mutual agreement messaging/placement, or via #WINwithWAYJO ‘subscriber-only’ competition giveaways or offers – appropriate and appealing to youth and jazz audiences (that also help drive subscriptions).

Basic requirements for WOW EDM inclusion are:
TYPE: News, Event, Opportunity, Giveaway or Offer*
TITLE: Concise & Precise <10 words.
COPY: Include all relevant details in <200 words (who/what/when/where/why).
LINKS: Link/s to find out more.
IMAGE: A quality photo or graphic: preferable width 1920px rectangular, or 1200px square @72DPI (minimum acceptable size is 800px width). Minimal text on image – please avoid small fonts that won’t scale well to smaller mobile devices.
HASHTAG: #IfYouHaveOne ?
VALUE: *If proposing a #WINwithWAYJO giveaway or offer, please state the retail or discount value in tangible terms (e.g. $ or % value).

DEADLINE: Last Tuesday of the preceding month (Jan-Nov) by 5pm – marketing@wayjo.com
* Submission does not guarantee inclusion, and may be subject to editing for clarity and/or concision.
* WAYJO is in no way responsible for promotional partners who do not follow up, fail to provide said prize, or any other liability associated with acceptance of this giveaway.

Jazz up your inbox – subscribe today at http://bit.ly/wordonwayjo