It’s been a while, but with pandemic isolation restrictions now lifting, WAYJO is gradually making a safe comeback.
At the last board meeting, the plan to re-open WAYJO in a staged approach was approved, with safety and health of everyone front of mind.
Given COVID-19 infection statistics in Western Australia remain on a downward trajectory, WAYJO plan the following actions.
From June 1;
Small, instrument/sectional rehearsals begin with ensemble numbers kept within safe limits.
From June 29;
WAYJO staff return to office in a staged process to maintain safe physical distancing.
From July 20;
All WAYJO staff return to normal office hours.
All WAYJO bands recommence full band rehearsals.
Thank you all for your understanding and patience throughout the lockdown period. We encourage to you maintain hygiene and distancing practices, and look forward to seeing you very soon.
We are hoping to safely present some concerts in the third &/or fourth quarter of the year.
#WAYJO2020 #COVID-19